Shoulder Flexibility Solution Review

shoulder flexibility solutionShoulder Flexibility Solution Review

Coach Eric Wong strikes again with his shoulder flexibility program. After trying his huge success “Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning Program”, it’s time to try his shoulder flexibility solution.

Why did I pick this program to improve my shoulder flexibility? To make this clear and simple, I had a big shoulder injury in 2012 while practicing judo. I could not rotate my arm in all the normal positions. I was searching for a program that was made for MMA athletes to strengthen my shoulders and I saw on Eric Wong’s blog “the shoulder flexibility solution”.

Click here to visit Eric Wong’s Official Website

There is other reasons why someone would have tight shoulders. A lot of people that work in front of a computer adopt a posture that create discomfort which is a very bad habit and can create shoulder pain. It can also be a lack of movements that create the tightness in the shoulder. For the athletes, it can be caused by overuse of a muscle relating to your sport. Your level of stress and your sleeping position can play a part in the fact that you have tight shoulders.

There is tons of resources that you can find online but for now, we will be checking out the Shoulder flexibility solution.

When you buy the product, you receive an email with all the shoulder flexibility program items. You can download the PDF and the videos. You can also choose between different options like:  The Pre-Workout Shoulder Prep, The Behind The Back Routine, The Overhead Routine, The Rounded Shoulders Routine, The Forward Head Posture Routine, The Winged Scapula Routine. You also have 2 bonuses: The Shoulder Regen and The Rotator Cuff Hardening.

shoulder flexibility solution books

Inside the program, you can start with a quick assessment guide to look where you’re at with your shoulder flexibility. Then, you can get a video of every exercises of each book. The videos are very well done, you can get them in HD or Standard definition.

This is a review site. Click here to visit Eric Wong’s Official Website

Shoulder Flexibility Solution:

The 6 Powerful Shoulder Flexibility Routines you can find in form of “books”:

  • The Behind The Back Routine
  • The Forward Head Posture Routine
  • The Overhead Routine
  • The Rounded Shoulders Routine
  • The Winged Scapula Routine
  • The Pre-Workout Shoulder Prep

Introducing The 6-Step Shoulder Flexibility System

  1. Mobilize the joint: Working the range of motion
  2. Address tissue quality: Blood flow to tissues
  3. Deactivate overactive muscles: Working on posture
  4. Create new cross bridges: Working flexibility with strength
  5. Stabilize the new rom: Stabilize new range of motion (in motion, out of motion)
  6. Functional integration: Integrate into your functional moving patterns

It’s called the 3D Flexibility System

Eric Wong formulated what he call the 3D Flexibility System. It addresses all of the factors limiting your flexibility so you can unlock your tight shoulders and use your body without restrictions, pain or injury.

Flexibility Factors:

  • Strength Factor #1: Joint Stabilizer
  • Strength Factor #2: Core
  • Strength Factor #3: Prime Mover
  • Neuromuscular Factor #1: Control
  • Neuromuscular Factor #2: Reflexes
  • Neuromuscular Factor #3: Pain Tolerance
  • Soft Tissue Factor #1: Muscle
  • Soft Tissue Factor #2: Fascia
  • Soft Tissue Factor #3: Joint Capsule

eric wong shoulder review

Static Stretching Problems

Static stretching is not a lasting solution. You will not keep the gains you make. The tightness will always return. This type of stretching won’t improve your dynamic movement, it can actually hurt them. If you over perform a static stretch you can actually stretch your ligaments(that’s not good) ;).

Click here to visit Eric Wong’s Official Website

The Shoulder flexibility solution program really show you how to release the tightness.

Overcome Shoulder Injury

When the shoulder is injured, it is difficult to do daily activities but you have to be patient with your recovery. You should return to your sport slowly and when you do, warm-up well. An injury to a part of your body affects how your body moves.

Release your tight shoulders without static stretching

If all you’re doing is static stretching, you may improve range of motion in that stretch, but you are not improving your range of motion for dynamic movements. To improve range of motion for dynamic movements, you have to loosen tight muscles, improve your coordination, improve your strength and reprogram your neuromuscular system to use the new range of motion you achieve. The lack of strength and coordination can result in ligament injuries and muscle tears because these elements stabilize your joints at the end ranges of motion. If you over-perform a static stretch, you can actually get into stretching things you don’t want to stretch, such as ligaments. The result is an unstable joint and damage to muscles, ligaments, meniscus, bursa and other tissues.

Shoulder Pain? Treat the causes, not the symptoms!

Do not ignore the pain. The way you train might cause excess stress on certain muscles and can damage other tissues like ligaments or the joint capsules. You need to release the tightness in your shoulder if you do exercises like push ups, chin ups, bench press or even back squats. Rounded shoulders, forward head, or being unable to touch your hands behind your back, are signs of lack of flexibility in your shoulders.

If you hurt your shoulder and pain in your shoulder is due to inflammation, applying ice is generally a good idea (10 minutes ON, 10 minutes OFF). If a movement hurts, you have to stop. If you practice a sport, a shoulder injury is not a reason to stop training, you can work on other aspects of your game. There is always something you can do, beside worrying about what you can’t do.

Should I use Ice or Heat?

Use Ice:

  • When the shoulder injury is acute, or sudden, to help relieve and prevent swelling.
  • After a tough exercise to relieve muscle soreness and shorten recovery time
  • To recover from shoulder surgery by reducing swelling around the incisions

Do not use Ice:

  • To relieve shoulder stiffness
  • Before you exercise because it will hide the pain
  • If you have high blood pressure or If you have problems with circulation
  • On open wounds
  • On areas treated with anesthesia
  • On chronic shoulder injuries

Use Heat:

  • After the swelling has gone down from the initial injury, use heat to trigger the healing response
  • To help with shoulder stiffness
  • If you have a chronic or reoccurring shoulder injury, for pain relief

Do not use Heat:

  • On a new or acute shoulder injury
  • On any injury that is swollen or inflamed


Useful Article about shoulder pain

What are the most common Shoulder Problems ?

  • Arthritis: It can be cause by a tear of the cartilage that is often treated with ibuprofen or aspirin. It can also be an autoimmune disease causing one or more joints to become inflamed(may need physical therapy and medicine ).
  • Dislocation: It occurs when the upper arm pops out of the socket. To treat it, you must see a professional that will put it back in the socket. You will need rest, ice 3 or 4 times a day, maybe wearing a sling and exercise to improve range of motion, strengthen muscles, and prevent injury that you can learn in: Shoulder Flexibility Solution.
  • Fracture: Fractures are often caused by a fall or blow to the shoulder. You have to see a doctor to treat it. The doctor will put the bones to their place to promote maximum healing. Exercise to strengthen the shoulder and restore movement will be very important after the bones heals.
  • Frozen shoulder: It can have many causes -Lack of use due to chronic pain – Rheumatic disease that is getting worse – Bands of tissue that grow in the joint and restrict motion – Lack of the fluid that helps the shoulder joint move. You can treat it with medicine that will reduce the shoulder pain and reduce the shoulder swelling. Gentle shoulder exercises can be done and if you can’t you may want to think surgery.
  • Rotator cuff disease – Tendinitis and Bursitis: In tendinitis of the shoulder, tendons become inflamed  from being pinched by parts around the shoulder. Bursitis is sometimes caused by disease. It is also caused by playing sports that overuse the shoulder or by jobs with frequent overhead reaching. Can be treated with ibuprofen or aspirin. Put some ice on the shoulder joint and have some rest. Exercise to strengthen the shoulder and restore movement. Surgery if the shoulder does not get better.
  • Rotator cuff tear: Some tears are not painful, but others can be very painful. Sometimes they are injured from a fall. Treatment can depends on how severe the injury is, and how long the person has had the torn rotator cuff. Put some ice on the shoulder joint and have some rest. Exercise to strengthen the shoulder and restore movement. Surgery if the shoulder does not get better.
  • Separation: A shoulder separation can happen when the ligaments between the collarbone and the shoulder blade are torn. The injury is most often caused by a blow to the shoulder or by falling.Treatment for a shoulder separation includes rest, maybe a sling, ice, exercise (after the rest) and maybe surgery.

Click here if you need exercises to improve your shoulder flexibility.

The symptoms and treatment of shoulder problems vary, depending on the type of problem.

You can take a look at Eric Wong’s Shoulder Flexibility Solution if you really want to release shoulder tension with exercises to strengthen the shoulder and restore movement. On his website, you get an introduction to The 6-Step
Shoulder Flexibility System to show you how to improve shoulder flexibility.

Click here to visit Eric Wong’s Shoulder Flexibility Solution program Official Website